Next, I bought some 100% UV blocking sun glasses but when I got in the car I noticed that they have a tiny scratch on one lens, so now when I put them on its all I see. They were a cheapy pair from Dick's Sporting Goods so I'll probably swing by there later for a refund. I look pretty silly in them but they have good coverage so I'll go with function over fashion. I don't have a picture of them to show you - just trust me - I look silly.
Okay -so that reminds me about something...I need someone to put a positive spin on this for me b/c it keeps hanging around in the back of my mind...I was at the bike shop on Sunday getting my pedals and Kristen (who also works at Epic - and seems really cool) is putting on the bottle cage I bought and she says, "you seem pretty caught up - for lack of a better term - in aesthetics, so is it going to bother you that I have to put these little washers on before the bottle cage?" She said they had to do the same thing with hers and she thought it was really ugly. Had she not said that - I'd have felt really insecure (or maybe I already do?) but her comment about her own cage made me feel a little better. Am I really that caught up in the way things look that someone who has only met me an hour earlier thinks I'm stuck on aesthetics??? I think it's pretty normal to at least give a damn about how things look...but perhaps I go overboard? I've always thought I was fairly far away from that mentality... My husband, if he's reading this, is probably nodding his head w/ a grin. We have this conversation a lot...if you know him, you know that we are absolute opposites in this regard. He'd wear green and purple striped shorts with a bright orange shirt, blue shoes and knee socks if I wouldn't have a fit...and it would all be very wrinkled. I think color, wrinkles and cleanliness matter but I'm not exactly a fashionista or anything...
I digress...anyway...I also purchased this little bit of coolness:

This is the Sigma BC 906 Bike Computer. Now, I admit - it's not the the new Garmin Edge 705 or anything, but I'm excited about it. As I explained to bike Mike, I didn't want something to take my basal body temp and let me know whether or not it's raining in Taiwan, I just wanted something to keep up with speed and distance. I would have preferred wireless but I forgot to say so and didn't realize it was wired until bike Mike had taken the time to program it for me. Once I got home and looked through reviews - it looks like most of the wireless computers have a hard time with accuracy and interference until you get up into the models that are digitally shielded. They really aren't that expensive, but it sounds like some folks have had some frustration with them around hospitals and traffic signals. So I'll stick to the wired one for now - it's really all I need and for under $30.00 - it's a deal.
I also have a bike jersey on the way...and another pair of shorts.... Perhaps I should just skip Christmas for myself this year? I'm feeling a little guilty now that I've put it all on paper. :(
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