Nope, the "weehoo" is not what
naked, wiggling men say when naked before their shower - it's a super cool new "mommy-must." This seems like the perfect tool for teaching my "super scared" daughter to ride a bike!!! She fits the weight/height parameters and could learn to pedal without being afraid of falling over! Dear old Dad could pull the Burley with my little dude inside. Before long, I suspect "little dude" will be racing me down the driveway! Just in case he isn't, he could use this once his sister is through with it.

Cool bike item #2 is my next cycling helmet - the one I have will make it until spring, right? Check out the
press release for the specs - it's crazy light!!!

Last but not least...
The Oryx TT bike - Oh. My. Goodness.
I love you and am proud of you and will respond to the posts that have terminology that I understand or, in this case, I'll respond to posts that have terminology I don't understand just to let you know that I'll respond to the posts that have words I get.